
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome to Carry Harder

Hey everyone this is my introduction post to Carry Harder a League of legends blog that's focused on improving players by any means necessary, What does this mean? this means that the guides i write will be focused mostly on FOTM (Flavor of the month) champions, Examples are Irelia(Incoming nerf), Malzahar and Swain to a certain extent.

But first for any Newish players I want to clear up some terms im going to be using a ridiculous amount of times.
CS: Creep score, or how many Minions/Creeps you have "Last hit"

Last hit: This is when you get the killing blow on a creep which results in you recieving a small amount of gold. This makes or breaks any player and high ELO players will almost never miss a last hit.

Carry: When i say "Carry" a game i don't mean playing a carry like Corki,Ashe,Kogmaw or any of those, I mean farming to the point where you can absolutley dominate a game or shift it heavily in your teams favor, For example champions like Master Yi when decently fed can backdoor and win a game.

Fed/Feed:Getting your champion to become a lot more powerful then the others, This is usually acheived by out leveling or amassing a lot more gold then the other champions, Through champion kills or more likely more CS. Feeding however is when you give away kills to the other team.

Other than that i think the terms i use are common knowledge to whoever plays the game, My next post will probably be on Irelia so look out for that. Thanks



  1. Very informative! Thank you for the advice. :)

  2. this sounds like its going to be a very informative blog, I cant wait for your next post!

  3. That is pretty cool how you get gold for the last hit on a minions/creeps. Keep up the good work. Thomas good job.

  4. It's a game right?? (I know I sound stupid :P)
    Lots of info on this topic ^-^
    Cool background :D
