
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

High Skill Cap Champions

During the spring break i naturally stayed up to ungodly hours playing my favorite game which just happens to be league of legends, Most recently I've been trying "High Skill Cap" Champions, These champions have abilities that can be utilized in many ways and are usually not the greatest champions unless played well, Some examples are Ezreal, Shaco, Anivia and many more.

High skill cap champions rely more on positioning, timing and understanding of game mechanics then normal champions, Most make use of skill shots which are different from normal skills as you have to free aim them rather then have a targeting reticule that you click on the target.

Lets use Shaco as an example, Every high level solo queue player mained him because they could control control the jungle, Initiate inescapable ganks resulting in kills almost every time, There was a visible difference between a good and a bad Shaco.

Hopefully i can get some games in with one of these champions and write a guide soon, unfortunatly i have 0 experience with most high skill cap champions as I went through my try every champion phase when i as still a new player and swiftly rage quit when i failed.

Update soon. -Thomas


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