
Friday, March 4, 2011

Looking for a main: Cho'gath

Recently Cho'gath got a Spiffy Loch Ness monster based skin, I have some sort of unhealthy condition that causes me to pick up an old champion any time they get a shiny new skin, So i naturally picked up Cho'gath for a few games as i used to main him.

This is the first post in a series of guides I'll be writing every time i pick up a champion that i find is worthy of being my main. What i need in my main is basically any champion that can carry a game since i usually only play Solo queue and not arranged team with friends. (Sad face.)

So how did cho'gath catch my attention? A lot of top players play him as solo top or middle because his early game is so strong, His passive (Carnivore) gives him health and mana back instantly every time he Last hits a minion or champion, So he can stay in his lane for a while if played right.
He's also a pretty solid tank with his (Q) ability Rupture which is an AOE (area of effect) that knocks up and slows everyone caught in its small circle of effect. This helps peel people off the carry and also does a decent amount of damage helping to secure a kill.

His (E) ability is vorpal spikes which applies to every auto attack dealing a good amount of damage especially early on in a small cone in front of him, This helps a lot early game for last hitting, i take 1 point in this skill early on at about level 4 to aid in last hitting and max it out last.

Cho's W ability causes the most rage from enemy players, His (W) ability is called Feral scream, it's an AOE (Again area of effect) silence with a decent amount of damage and a long silence duration, Landing a rupture followed by a quick Feral scream absolutely screws a caster or anyone who relies on the "Flash" summoner spell to make a quick exit.

Finally we have His ultimate (R) called FEAST, This is cho's most notable skill and makes him a freakin monster. It's a single target nuke that does 800 damage at max rank, If this skill lands the killing blow on a unit (Best used on Champions) Then cho'gath will gain a good chunk of health permanently and also grows in size, This stacks up to 6 times and comboing this with tank items he becomes an unkillable wall that will Nom nom your face. Nothing is more intimidating then a 4000+ health and high armor Monster running at you full tilt.

Okay, so he's good, but what to build on this beast?
I start with Mana crystal and 2 health potions
Transition the mana crystal into a catalyst
Then Frozen Heart or Aegis of the legion depending on which i feel is more needed
If im doing good i'll get rod of ages.
Always mercury tread boots
Then finally i'll build the Catalyst into a Banshee's veil.
The 1 or 2 inventory slots will be for whatever i see fit but usually its a Randuins omen (If an Attack damage carry is fed and wrecking my team) Or a Warmogs, but this should only be bought early on after Catalyst in rare occasions where i think stacking straight health is safe, If not then i'll go for a sunfire cape to do a little extra damage.

For summoner spells i like to use Ignite (Great when comboed with his Feast) And ghost (For escaping or closing the gap to land a feast). So if you want to play a Tank that can still shred, Pick up Cho'Gath and Feast your way to victory.


1 comment:

  1. He does a have a really bad skin problem, and looks really weird. I agree that he is one of the better characters in the game. Look at that thing he is huge, and can cause so much damage.
