
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Looking for a main: Singed

The Spiffy Riot singed skin.

Hey guys this is the 2nd post for looking for a main and since my last post I've been playing Singed for *Most* of my games whenever someone hasn't snagged him since he is on the free champion rotation this week. Once again i bought a hella spiffy skin that i like to think helps me get the scores i do with singed.

So some general aspects of singed: As singed you CAN carry a game as a tank, His signature skill Poison Trail does great damage and stomps idiots who like to chase anyone with relatively low health.

Singed Farms like a boss, There is no understating this, He can just Run down a lane killing every minion he comes across and when the enemy team shows up to stop the tank that is singed then you can simply hit your (R) skill ultimate called insanity potion and run like a Kenyan. When playing this character you should try to free farm as much as possible pushing all lanes when not grouping for a fight. If your going to lose a tower for sure, just sit in your safe lane and farm up as much as possible to hit them hard later.

Runes: For runes i like to take Magic penetration Reds.
Dodge or Health per level Yellows.
Any Blues will do but flat value magic resist or magic resist per level is best on singed.
And Movement speed quintessences are a must.

Singed's first skill (Q) is Poison Trail which is a Damage over time trail that he leaves behind him, This is his most signature skill and main source of damage for sure, I max this first but get the first point at level 2, if course getting my ultimate at level 6. This combined with the slow from Rylai's will discourage players from chasing you as most players either under estimate the damage that poison can do to them and end up dieing or over estimate it and give up a kill they had a chance at, This is also a great farming tool but early game should only be used to soften minions until you get your first item as it costs a lot of mana, Remember not to leave this toggled on.

His (W) is Mega Adhesive, he throws a pool which slows any enemy that runs into it, It's an AOE slow and actually slows quite a bit (75% at max rank) this is your gap closer essentially.

Next his (E) ability is called Fling, He throws a target over his shoulder and deals a good amount of damage, This is your main initiator, You throw down a puddle, run at them with your poison turned on and then fling them into your puddle of poison and more importantly into your team mates, This can effectively swing a full scale 5v5 in your favor if you land a good enough fling.

Then of course his ultimate which is INSANITY potion, basically its a steroid skill but a pretty substantial one which gives you damage, Attack speed, ability power, armor, movement speed and health/mana regen.

Finally is his Passive Empowered bulwark, For evey 10 mana he gets 2.5 Health, This means he benefits greatly from magic resist items.

Items: Items for singed are pretty situational but every singed worth anything starts off with a Mana crystal and 2 health potions. This gives him much needed early survivability and builds into some great items.

 Next upgrade your mana crystal to a Catalyst, I'll keep this until level 10ish or when i think i need some extra magic resist. This again Gives him a good amount of mana as well as health.

Then after getting your boots of choice you get your next item or if your steam rolling the team upgrade your catalyst into a banshees veil or rod of ages, Rod is for teams with low magic damage and banshees if you need high magic resist.

If all is going at a normal pace then get your Rylai's crystal scepter, This gives a 35% slow to all of your magic damage skills such as poison trail, Rylais and poison trail are a match made in nerdy,nerdy heaven.

From this point on you could get any tank item you see fit, Sunfire cape or randuins omen for physical and Force of nature if magical damage, Force of natures regeneration per second is much loved.

So if your looking for a fun and solid character to play then give singed a shot, I am by no means a good tank player but singed is an exception, when a good singed is in a game its straight insanity.

All pictures taken from league of legends website. All rights reserved, RiotGames.

1 comment:

  1. Wowww!! Very informative. Even someone like me, who's not a gamer can somewhat understand what you're talking about :D
